english | deutsch

The first workshop is open to everyone. After that, you can spontaneously decide which of the three workshops you want to attend. At the end of the day we all meet in the big room for further information and a short sharing. The program is subject to change.  


It may happen that for the workshops the rooms are spontaneously swapped if it makes sense due to the number of participants.

Please be in the respective room 5 minutes before the start of the workshop so that we can assess whether rooms need to be changed. 

= there might be louder music

🕺🏽 = workshop with movement or dance

To visualize how much physical closeness and eroticism a workshop can contain, we use a color scale, which we depict as a spectrum:

Sat, 24 May 2025 | 11:00 - 12:45 h


with JULIAN (d/e) | Room: Yoga Space


After the welcome and information talk, we will get in the mood for the weekend with a short guided meditation.

We will consciously celebrate the transition from clothed to naked with a ritual and greet and honor our bodies with various touches.

Sat, 24 May 2025 | 13:00 - 14:00 h


with OLI (d/e) | Room: Yoga Space


Leave the week behind, arrive at the festival, and get your body moving! Rhythmic movements will fill you with new energy and awaken your joy in your body. Through dynamic exercises and the freedom of being naked, you can shake off everything you don’t need anymore. Feel lightness and joy flowing through you as we move together, freeing not just the body, but also the mind.  ♫ 🕺🏽


Lass die Woche hinter dir, komm am Festival so richtig an und bring deinen Körper in Schwung! Rhythmische Bewegungen werden dich mit neuer Energie erfüllen und die Lust an deinem Körper wecken.

Durch dynamische Übungen und die Freiheit der Nacktheit kannst du alles abschütteln, was du nicht mehr brauchst. Spüre, wie Leichtigkeit und Lebensfreude dich durchströmen, während wir uns gemeinsam bewegen und dabei nicht nur den Körper, sondern auch den Geist befreien.  ♫ 🕺🏽



with FIREFLY (e) | Room: Cuddle Space


How does touch feel when it’s truly consensual? In this workshop, inspired by Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent, we explore the dynamics of "serving and receiving" as well as "taking and allowing." Through mindful exercises, you’ll learn to clearly recognize and communicate needs and boundaries, creating conscious connections. Discover how consent brings freedom and deeper encounters.


Wie fühlt sich Berührung an, wenn sie wirklich einvernehmlich ist? In diesem Workshop, inspiriert von Betty Martins Wheel of Consent, erforschen wir die Dynamiken von "dienen und annehmen" sowie "nehmen und erlauben". Durch achtsame Übungen lernst du, Bedürfnisse und Grenzen klar wahrzunehmen, zu kommunizieren und bewusste Verbindungen zu schaffen. Erlebe, wie Konsens Freiheit und tiefere Begegnungen ermöglicht.



with NIV (e) | Room: Sauna


Do you prefer a calm start to the festival weekend? Then this is the right place for you!

With what intentions and longings do I enter the weekend? What do I hope for? What feelings and needs do I have? And what do I bring to the group? These are the questions we will explore together in the format of a heart circle: One person speaks, the others listen attentively. In between, we take time for relaxing, quiet moments to absorb and integrate what has been shared. This workshop offers you space to dive into your own desires and connect with others in mindful presence.


Bevorzugst du einen ruhigen Einstieg in das Festival-Wochenende? Dann ist dies der richtige Platz für dich!

Mit welchen Absichten und Sehnsüchten gehe ich ins Wochenende? Was erhoffe ich mir? Welche Gefühle und Bedürfnisse habe ich? Und was bringe ich in die Gruppe ein? Diese Fragen erforschen wir gemeinsam im Format eines Herz-Kreises: Eine Person spricht, die anderen hören aufmerksam zu. Zwischendurch nehmen wir uns Zeit für entspannende, stille Momente, um das Gehörte in uns aufzunehmen und zu integrieren. Dieser Workshop bietet dir Raum, in deine eigenen Wünsche einzutauchen und mit anderen in achtsamer Verbindung zu sein.

L U N C H   B R E A K 
Sat, 24 May 2025 | 15:00 - 16:45 h


PAMPAYRUNA (d/e) | Room: Yoga Space



Explore the ancient techniques of organ massage from the Andean Queer indigenous tradition. Pampayruna will use his healing hands to harmonize your body’s energies, awakening deep sensations and releasing blockages. Through mindful touch, you’ll reconnect with your body, open energy channels, and balance your life force.



The spirit is what my ancestors, the Pampayrunas were doing in the inca temples. The homosexual priests Pampayruna attended the warriors before the war, to give the power of our god Huiracocha, the Intersexual god. The pampayrunas, we channeled the energy of the God and give to the men through the sexual union.


Let go, feel the power of touch, and rediscover your body’s potential for pleasure and healing!


with LUCA (d/e) | Room: Cuddle Space


Bondage has a sensual quality that can be experienced with different materials. In this workshop, you will get to know some of them: Cuffs, ropes, foil or tape are used to create an erotic game of power, trust and devotion. After a demonstration, you will try out different things in mindfulness for each other.


with JULIAN (d/e) | Room: Sauna


Wenn es um anale Berührung geht, ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Fingerspitzengefühl gefragt. Wie wir einen Anus sanft öffnen und wie wir die Beckenbodenmuskulatur erforschen können, zeige ich in einer Demo, dabei befassen wir uns auch ein wenig mit der Anatomie. Danach können die Teilnehmenden optional die anale Berührung in allen Facetten ausprobieren und experimentieren. Auch anale Hygiene wird ein Thema sein, über das wir sprechen werden. 

Sat, 24 May 2025 | 17:15 - 18:45 h


LOVE DRAGON (d/e) | Room: Yoga Space


A safe ritual for lovers, dancers, warriors, cuddlers, inner children and animals to meet each other protected by a circle of compassionate witnesses. Follow your intentions. Let’s listen to our bodies’ wisdom. No previous experience necessary.


with FIREFLY (e) | Room: Cuddle Space


Welcome to Tantric Burlesque! Here you will learn how to use burlesque as a tool for self-expression and flirting. My goal is to help you create a playful, sexy and confident persona to feel comfortable in your own skin. From hats and masks to feathers and fans, it's everything you need to know to transform into a tantalizing burlesque performer. So strap on your nipple tassels and let's get started! Together, we'll explore the world of burlesque and create a space for everyone to feel empowered and have fun!  ♫ 🕺🏽


ROWAN & JULIAN (d/e) | Room: Sauna


In this workshop we will shoot material for a "Slow Porn". In preparation, we will collect ideas from which we will choose for the following shoot. We want to take sensual, erotic shots, which can include all kinds of sensual and sexual encounters and practices. The group decides where the boundaries lie. It is possible not to show your face and it will also be fine to simply act behind the camera (light, camera, etc.). After the workshop, the film will be edited and screened later in the evening.


This film could show faces. But we will delete the film and all the material that shows faces after the festival. Participants will get a version of the video without faces per email later. And we will use this non-explicit material also for our documentations.

Sat, 24 May2025 | 19:00 - 19:15 h
Gay Tantra


with JULIAN (d/e) | Room: Yoga Space


We meet in small groups to share, reflect and digest our experiences of the day and find a way out of the workshop setting into a cozy evening where the facilities, garden and sauna are at your disposal.

D I N N E R   B R E A K
Sat, 24 May 2025 | 20:30 - 22:30 h 
Gay Tantra


Embrace your inner child and compete in a series of cheeky and playful body activities.
Teams will come together to tackle a variety of fun challenges designed to test creativity, teamwork, and a sense of mischief. From silly obstacle courses to quirky relay races, each task will encourage you to use your body in the most playful and daring ways. Get messy as you dive, roll, and laugh your way to pure joy!

The goal of the games isn't to win, but to connect, support one another, and create unforgettable memories. Expect plenty of laughter, a sense of camaraderie, and new friendships that will leave you with amazing stories to share.


You can withdraw to this room or cuddle up with others. No sexual acts take place here.


When the weather is nice, the garden is ideal for conversations. 


The sauna is hot from 19:30 - 22:30!